Online-Evaluation Seminar Evaluation Seminar Trainer (mandatory field) City (mandatory field) Date (mandatory field) 1. overall rating I'm satisfied with the training - it was a valuable day for me fully appliestends to applypartly / partlyrather not applicableabsolutely not applicableNo judgment possible 2nd seminar I am satisfied with the content and scope of the seminar fully appliesTends to applypartly / partlyRather not applicableabsolutely not applicableNo judgment possible The learning content helps me in my daily work. Work more fully appliesTends to applypartly / partlyRather not applicableabsolutely not applicableNo judgment possible 3rd trainer The trainer is familiar with the topic fully appliesTends to applypartly / partlyRather not applicableabsolutely not applicableNo judgment possible The trainer explained the content in an understandable and practical way. fully appliesTends to applypartly / partlyRather not applicableabsolutely not applicableNo judgment possible The materials and media used by the trainer helped me to learn. fully appliesTends to applypartly / partlyRather not applicableabsolutely not applicableNo judgment possible 4. seminar schedule I was informed in advance about the purpose/objective of the seminar fully appliesTends to applypartly / partlyRather not applicableabsolutely not applicableNo judgment possible I am satisfied with the structure and course of the seminar fully appliesTends to applypartly / partlyRather not applicableabsolutely not applicableNo judgment possible I am satisfied with the room, service and catering fully appliesTends to applypartly / partlyRather not applicableabsolutely not applicableNo judgment possible 5. comments, suggestions I particularly liked: I liked it less: Name (optional): Your data will be stored for processing in accordance with our data protection guidelines. We will of course treat your data confidentially and will not pass it on to third parties. Read more in our privacy policy. I agree to the processing and storage of my data. Yes Thank you for your help!